Here’s Why Bipolar Screening Tests May Be Helpful For You

Medically reviewed by Julie Dodson, MA
Updated July 7, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4.4% of American adults will experience symptoms of bipolar disorder in their lifetime. Many affected adults who might or will be experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as mood swings from manic to depressive episodes, may be unaware or undiagnosed. 

Bipolar disorder is generally classified as a lifelong mental health condition that causes shifts in mood. These mood swings can interfere with the quality of life of people with bipolar disorder, potentially affecting their career, mental and physical health, and relationships with others. Due to the complex and shifting nature of bipolar disorder, it can be difficult for both individuals and professionals to pinpoint it without ongoing observation or screening.

In this article, we will explore the types of bipolar disorder, as well as possible symptoms and screening tests that might be helpful in determining whether or not you are living with bipolar disorder.

Having trouble navigating mood shifts?

What is bipolar disorder?

“Bipolar disorder is generally characterized by dramatic shifts in mood, energy and activity levels that can affect a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. These shifts in mood and energy levels can be more severe than the normal ups and downs that are experienced by everyone.” This is how bipolar disorder is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health.

As stated in the medical definition, ups and downs can be experienced differently by every individual, which can make it difficult for some to identify when their personal ups and downs have become extreme. Additionally, there are three main types of bipolar disorder, each of which can present a different range of symptoms. 

While there are several additional types of bipolar disorder, the most statistically common types are: 

  • Bipolar I: This is generally diagnosed when a patient has had at least one manic episode that could potentially be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In certain cases, mania may trigger a break from reality, which is generally clinically known as psychosis.

  • Bipolar II: This can be diagnosed when a patient has had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode without having had a manic episode. 

  • Cyclothymic disorder: This type of bipolar disorder may be diagnosed when a patient has had at least two years of many periods of hypomania symptoms, which can occur alongside periods of depressive symptoms. 

Other types of bipolar disorder might be induced by environmental factors or events, such as the use of certain drugs or alcohol. They may also present as the result of a medical condition such as multiple sclerosis, Cushing’s syndrome, or stroke. 

Proper diagnosis should generally be sought by a clinician (such as a psychiatrist) before any sort of treatment is considered. Doing this can offer you a higher quality of life and a better overall treatment experience.

What is mania (and hypomania)? 

Each type of bipolar disorder can be classified by periods of mania or hypomania. Simply put, mania and hypomania are generally considered to be the “highs” of bipolar disorder, though symptoms of the disorder during these periods can be much more complex. 

Per recent research coming out of Europe, researchers have affirmed that “hypomania and mania are periods of overactive and excited behavior that can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. Hypomania is a milder version of mania that lasts for a short period (usually a few days). Mania is a more severe form that lasts for a longer period (a week or more).”

Common symptoms of mania or hypomania might include: 

  • An increase in activity, energy or agitation

  • A sense of euphoria or an elevated sense of well-being or self-confidence

  • A decreased need for sleep

  • Excessive talking or speaking more quickly than usual

  • Racing thoughts and difficulty concentrating

  • Impulsive decision-making, such as risky spending or sexual behaviors


What is major depressive disorder? 

Along with periods of mania or hypomania, each type of bipolar disorder might include periods of depression, known as depressive episodes. While they may seem comparable, depressive episodes are distinct from major depressive disorder.

Similar to those of mania or hypomania, the symptoms of a depressive period may disrupt a person’s day-to-day life. For example, someone experiencing a depressive episode may have difficulty showing up for work or other commitments. It is not uncommon for depressive periods to immediately follow periods of mania or hypomania.

Symptoms of depressive episodes can include:

  • Significant sadness, hopelessness, or excessive crying

  • A loss of interest or pleasure in social, personal, or work-related activities

  • Significant weight loss or weight gain

  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much

  • Restlessness or slowed behavior

  • Fatigue or general loss of energy

  • Sense of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Suicidal thoughts or ideation

Could a bipolar screening test help? 

Bipolar disorder is considered by many to be a lifelong mental health condition that cannot go away on its own. However, there are many treatments available — one approach combines psychotherapy and medication. Prior to receiving treatment, though, an individual may need to undergo a series of screenings to receive an official diagnosis, which may include the following assessments. 

Physical examinations

Due to the nature of certain symptoms of the disorder, getting a physical screening from a physician may serve as a helpful first step. For example, physical screenings can be helpful in determining if bipolar disorder is the result of another illness, such as multiple sclerosis. 

Psychological assessments

Typically, the most effective method of screening for bipolar disorder is a psychological evaluation that is performed by a specialist. This type of psychological evaluation can be conducted similarly to an interview. As recommended by the National Library of Medicine, the SCID assessment can be a routine part of the bipolar screening process. 

During a psychological screening test, you can expect to be asked a number of questions related to possible symptoms of bipolar disorder. They may also ask you about previous diagnoses, recent stress levels, and current self-help strategies. Your assessor or clinician may ask you to reply honestly and to the best of your ability. After you have answered all of the specialist’s questions, they might provide you with feedback or suggestions for the next steps. 

The Mood Disorder Questionnaire and other self-report tools

If you are not currently in a position to consult a doctor or mental health professional, you may be able to use a self-report assessment to determine whether to pursue treatment. It is important to note that the results of these tests are not meant to serve as a formal diagnosis. Rather, they seek to support and validate the symptomatic experience of those who may be living with bipolar disorder-related symptoms, possibly prompting them to seek formal support. 

The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a brief evaluation tool that assesses the severity of potential bipolar disorder symptoms. The Mood Disorder Questionnaire asks a series of yes-or-no questions, such as, “Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self, and you were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?” Mental Health America offers an online bipolar test that is based on the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, as well as a number of free resources for those seeking help and emotional support. 

Due to the lifelong nature of bipolar disorder, it may be helpful to get a screening test if you believe you are experiencing symptoms. Being properly screened for bipolar disorder can often serve as the first step in developing an effective treatment plan, addressing mental health concerns, and achieving a higher quality of life. 

Having trouble navigating mood shifts?

Online therapy for bipolar disorder screenings and support 

Those looking for support may find that locating and participating in a bipolar screening test will require a different process in each case due to several factors, including location, medical care, and other variables. 

Oftentimes, online therapy can serve as a strong first step in the process of screening for bipolar disorder. An online therapist or mental health professional may be able to guide you through your specific process, as well as provide emotional support throughout your journey. This can be achieved from the comfort of your home or another internet-connected safe space, potentially making support more attainable to you. 

Effectiveness of online therapy for bipolar disorder

According to research published in the Journal of Mental Health, online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or “talk therapy” has been scientifically suggested to be equally as effective as in-person therapy — specifically when it comes to the reduction of symptoms of certain mental health conditions like depression and anxiety disorder. 

Additionally, CBT may also be used in the treatment process of different types of bipolar disorder, offering patients supportive strategies to lessen the impact of symptoms on their experiences. 


Living with symptoms of bipolar disorder can be challenging. If you are experiencing symptoms, a bipolar screening test may be helpful for you. Though bipolar disorder cannot generally go away on its own, a person with bipolar disorder can live a high-quality, fulfilling life with proper support and treatment. Participating in a bipolar screening test will typically serve as the first step toward finding the most effective treatment for you. Online therapy can also be a helpful resource, offering you more support as you walk through the steps of diagnosis and treatment. Platforms like BetterHelp can connect you with a therapist who specializes in your area of need.
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